Examples of help
The head
Short description
Examples of help
   Large family Rudzikai
   Large family Bernotavičienė
   Large family Garkauskai
   Large family Pranaičiai
   Large family Skripkaitienė
   Large family Grikietytė
   Large family Leimonai
Where help was given
Lithuania at a glance
Bank account for donations
Contact and information

D. Grikietytė, District of Kazlų Rūda

Before the help:
The mother lived with six children in this house unit (10 and 12 sq.m). In the winter the rooms stayed cool in spite of a wood-burning oven: The wooden windows were fragile, the thin walls partly decomposed and the roof leaked – for the children a difficult life.

After the help:
The living conditions of the large family substantially improved, because the house unit was fixed up and extended slightly. The ram shackled garden fence was replaced, too. For the children it became a happy home.

Christian testimony:
At the completion of the help, the large family received a Lithuanian Bible with a handwritten dedication in form of a Bible verse, which is to encourage and to accompany the parents and the children on their path through life (proverbs 3, 5 – 6).