Examples of help
The head
Short description
Examples of help
   Large family Rudzikai
   Large family Bernotavičienė
   Large family Garkauskai
   Large family Pranaičiai
   Large family Skripkaitienė
   Large family Grikietytė
   Large family Leimonai
Where help was given
Lithuania at a glance
Bank account for donations
Contact and information

V. and Č. Rudzikai, District of Marijampolė

Before the help:
The large family lived with eleven children in this old, dilapidated hut (52.6 sq.m).

After the help:
The large family is living with eleven children in her own residential building today. The ground floor alone has 100 sq.m of living space. Over the years, the large family has built most outer walls before the help started itself.